Longevity and Numbers.

Longevity and numbers.

"Politics is a game of numbers" this phrase over the years has become the most referenced cliché of your favourite political pundits and analysts.

It's pretty straightforward to say politics is a game of numbers. You don't need to be a mathematical genius to assimilate what that phrase means. It simply implies, the higher your reach, the greater your chances of victory.

The forthcoming general election in Nigeria is one most people, especially youths, have tied more of their emotions to as opposed to reasoning.

Saying a politician with huge national reach will be trumped by one with less numbers is a typical example of one's emotions getting louder than their reasoning.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a Christian, and I do believe in miracles but how often do miracles happen within the political space? In fact, if one were to happen, it would need the backing of the political gladiators within that space as in the case of Goodluck Jonathan in 2007 leading to 2011.

The "frontline candidates" if there is anything like that have their strongholds and allies. Talking of allies, it takes time to build one.

Tinubu and Atiku are huge political gladiators. It is politically impossible at least within the context of Nigerian politics to relegate them. To do so, you would need more than good twitter following, religious and ethnic sentiments and sympathy votes.

Candidates of the PDP and the APC, have both longevity and numbers; these political factors speak volume. Disregarding these factors will amount to DISOBEDIENCE to the god of politics.

The ‘’Obidient’’ Movement would need a lot more than wishful thinking for their candidates to emerge considering the fact their man lacks longevity and numbers.

The solution to Nigeria political issues would be good people permeating the mainstream political space just like Bankole Wellington (Banky W) has done by joining the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). New political parties won't do it.

Onyeije Emmanuel Chizurum
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