Source: Business Post Nigeria

Who Protects the Nigerian Consumer?

Being a Nigerian citizen who resides in Nigeria, who is not yet filthy rich as being a Nigerian politician guarantees, has its benefits and tons of disadvantages.

As a very rich Nigerian citizen, you can afford to always patronize high end shops to make purchases of the food products you consume, drinks, body lotions, pharmaceutical products and so many more.

The major question remains, the regular Nigerian who earns basic income, how can they ascertain that the food product, drugs, body lotions, perfumes and pharmaceutical products they are paying for at the shops on the streets, local markets and many other non-organized markets are not made of components which may end up destroying the consumer on the long run?

Standards Organization Of Nigeria is the sole statutory body that is vested with the responsibility of standardizing and regulating the quality of all products in Nigeria.

National Agency For Food And Drug Administration and Control, controls the production, trade or sale of food, drugs, cosmetics, chemicals, detergents, medical devices and packaged water.

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