Source: VOA

Six Months on, in the Gaza Strip

Six months on in the Gaza Strip 
It's exactly six months since Hamas fighters crossed into Israel and unleashed horrific carnage the Jewish nation hasn't seen in decades. What has followed has been massive destruction and suffering in the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli military launched a campaign to get rid of the Islamic group once and for all. Six months down the line, the war has taken over 30,000 lives and displaced over a million Palestinians, but so far it has failed to completely dismantle Hamas' military capabilities.
The war has also put the region on edge and triggered other members of the so called "axis of resistance," the Houthis and Hezbollah. The Houthis have been attacking commercial vessels in the Red Sea, while Hezbollah has been engaging in skirmishes with the IDF on Israel's northern border.
Today, the IDF withdrew all but one brigade of its army from the Gaza Strip. Officials say it's to prepare for the next phase of the war, but some say it's part of the negotiations with Hamas. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under enormous pressure to bring back more than 100 hostages still in the hands of Hamas.
The IDF is also anticipating an Iranian attack within the next few weeks after Tehran accused Israel of launching an airstrike on its consulate that killed two IRGC generals and other officials. Israel didn't acknowledge the strike but said the building attacked wasn't the consulate but a military facility used by the IRGC. 
Right now, the war seems far from over. Israel is determined to invade the last stronghold of Hamas, Rafah, but how it'll handle the one million+ Palestinians in Rafah is still up for debate. The international community is running out of patience with how Israel is handling the war, and that's exactly what Hamas wants.

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