Source: Vanguard Newspaper

New UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer promises to Rebuild Britain in New Era.

New UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer Promises To "Rebuild" Britain In New Era

New UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has promised to rebuild Britain In first Downing Street Speech after victory in the just concluded general elections.

Starmer, who won a landslide victory at the General Election to become the UK's 58th Prime Minister, said he would restore public trust in politics and rebuild Britain. “for too long successive governments had entered office and then ignored the people whose lives they had pledged to improve, Not this time," he said.

"We will show that we have changed the Labour Party to return into service, and that is how we will govern. Country first, party second." He also paid tribute to the works of outgoing prime minister Rishi Sunak, who resigned earlier on Friday after the Tory party's crushing election defeat.

Starmer is just the second Labour leader to win a General Election in the last 50 years, and only the seventh Labour Prime Minister ever.

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